1. 根据客户订单及销售预测,编制生产计划;根据生产计划及销售预测在编制零件采购计划
Make production plan and parts procurement plan according to customer or-ders and sales forecasts.
2. 每天检查未来3天缺件报告,进而修正生产计划及跟踪零件到货,保障生产计划顺利有效执行;
Daily check missing report, modify production plan and track parts deliv-ery, and ensure smooth and effective implementation of production plan.
3. 每周更新采购订单1次,及时清理过期生产计划(每天),确保生产计划的及时有效性;过期采购订单(每天)、过期在途信息(每天),确保零件按时到货及问题零件及早发现并处理或上报
Weekly update purchase orders, promptly clean up the outdated production plan every day, and ensure the timely and effective of production plan. Clean up outdated purchasing order and transit information to ensure that the parts arrive on time and problem parts are detected and reported.
4. 每周一确认客户欠单问题,上报问题推动内部和外部改善
Confirm customer owe problem every Monday, and report problems to promote internal and external improvement.
5. 每月25号做人员预测及产能预测,确保订单的及时完成
Personnel forecast and production forecast on each 25th to ensure the time-ly completion of orders.
6. 每月底导供应商交付考核表,对供应商交付进行考核
Export supplier evaluation form at the end of every month, and assess the suppliers.
7. 定期提供库存数据报告并进行分析每天中旬完成提交;系统参数每个季度修正1次
Provide regular inventory data report and analyze in every mid-month, mod-ify system parameters in each quarter.
8. 合理控制零件库存水平(根据控制库存周转率目标:制定个人成品周转率及零件周转率目标进行考核),根据实际需求和采购情况,合理编制采购策略和调整计划参数;
Reasonable control parts inventory levels (according to inventory turns, develop and assess individual finished and parts turnover). Reasonable de-velop procurement strategy and adjust plan parameters according to the ac-tual needs and procurement.
9. 每周根据CCS team发布的EC工程变更汇总表,更新EC生效日期;物流每季度开会考核EC产生的呆滞费用
Update EC effective date every week according to EC engineering change summary table released by CCS team; Quarterly arrange a meeting to assess sluggish costs caused by EC.
10. 对于产品Runout管理:对于成品进入未来3个月runout阶段,生产计划&物料计划第一时间修改计划参数,预估呆滞费用每月更新变化情况
Product Runout management: For finished entering the next three months runout phase, revise production plans & materials planning parameters im-mediately, estimate monthly updated changed of sluggish cost.
11. 针对车间报的物流停线,需于当天下午15:00前提交分析报告,16:00开会分析(要求日报日清),对相关责任人考核
For the line stopped caused by logistics, submit the analysis report be-fore 3 pm., arrange meeting at 4 pm., and assess relevant responsible per-son.
12. 确保完成并履行培训、沟通、健康和安全、内部事务及人事各项规定;
Ensure full commitment and support for training, communications, health and safety, housekeeping and personal discipline.
13. 完成上级领导临时布置的相关工作;
Finish the job assigned by the leader
14. 遵守公司各项规章制度;
Obey to the company rules
1. 学历:工科或管理专业本科以上学历
Bachelor degree or above, major in engineering or management.
2. 工作经历:从事相关领域的工作两年以上,熟悉生产制造型企业生产流程。
At least 2 years working experience in relevant field. Familiar with pro-duction process of manufacturing enterprises
3. 语言能力:良好的英语听、说、读、写读写能力,能够用英语与国外子公司进行业务交流。
Good English in hearing, oral, reading and writing
4. PC操作能力:熟练运用OFFICE软件,熟悉MRPII系统。
Familiar with Office and MRPII system.
5. 其他要求:了解公司的质量体系标准,熟悉与本职工作相关的质量体系标准和ISO14001环境体系标准。
Know quality system
科世达(长春)汽车电器有限公司成立于2011年,注册资本300万美元,为德国科世达集团投资的全资子公司。隶属于科世达(上海)管理有限公司管理。公司现位于吉林省长春市经济技术开发区大连路2877号,占地面积 41326平米。